向自然模式學習 - 合樸農學市集之綠園道篇


原文: 台灣樸門永續設計學會 理事長

孟磊 Peter Morehead    







Last weekend I had a chance to check out the Hope Market 合樸農學市集 (http://www.hopemarket.com.tw/) in Taichung City. It was a great experience and heartening to see this progressive farmers market happening in Taiwan. I come from Madison, Wisconsin, a city famous for its farmers markets, so I have witnessed the awesome social, economic, and health benefits that farmers markets can create. I also used to co-manage Maplewood Gardens in Wisconsin, a very rural organic garden that depends on the weekly farmers market for a good portion of its income. For Maplewood Gardens’ head gardener David Peterson, the farmers market is also a vital social arena, giving him a chance to explain where and how his food is grown to interested customers. This is extremely important for David because he does a lot of work to care for the land and much of his work goes unnoticed amidst the Frito Lay potato farm desert that surrounds his garden oasis. I’m sure the gardeners in Taichung’s Hope Market are facing similar straits, and it is great to see their faces, hear their stories, and eat their food at the market!


我曾合營美國威斯康辛州的楓木園圃(Maplewood Gardens),這個鄉村有機園圃就是有賴參與每週農夫市集所帶來收入為主要收入來源。對楓木花園的主要農友大衛.彼得森(David Peterson)而言,農夫市集誠為一個重要的社會場域,供他有機會向有興趣的消費者闡述作物生長的方式與地點。

尤其是他的農園被跨國企業樂氏洋芋片(Frito Lay)的超大農場所包圍,他關切土地與對自己農場所付的心力,雖然像是沙漠中的綠洲,卻因為只是小農沒有發聲的機會而致忽略,農夫市集提供機會讓他能闡述理念這點對大衛來說極為重要!



[Banners at the Hope Market introduce each participating grower and organization. Farmers markets are important places for people and farmers to connect.]


One thing that I really like about the Hope Market is the recycling and reuse tent. For NT$10 people can hire dishes for the food and drinks served at the market. The utensils are then returned to the tent for washing. The tent also provides bins with clear instruction on recycling paper, cups, plastic and food waste. This is something that every market in Taiwan needs! In fact, it’s something that the market in my hometown needs.


Market-goers can rent a bowl from the reuse and recycling tent at the Hope Market]


The other thing that really impressed me about the Hope Market was the way they utilize the natural pattern of a meander to slow down people and get them interested in more than just being consumers walking down the parkway. In permaculture, we regard the patterns of nature as a sort of language. We try to learn this language and adopt natural patterns in everything we design because each pattern tells us how energy flows. Energy can be in the form of water, wind, and everything animate and inanimate. The meander is a natural pattern all about slowing down. It occurs at the end of rivers on very flat lands where the water meanders slowly toward the ocean. The most action occurs at the outer edge of the bows, where the water flow is fastest. This is where water cuts away at the shore and extends the bows farther away. The inner edge of the bows is where sedimentation occurs. This meander shape constantly changes but very slowly. This is the last place for river water to sink into groundwater and for groundwater to surface before going to sea. It is also a very fertile place as the silt and nutrients brought down by the river are slowed down to create shoreline. The fertility of meandering rivers is reflected by the huge biodiversity that can be supported in these areas. The meander pattern also appears in your intestines, which slow down the rate that food passes through your body, so that more nutrients can be extracted. Some gardeners, like Huang Shenglin (黃盛璘) in Sansia, use the meander pattern in their gardens to slow down water and increase the chance of nutrients staying rather than washing away to the ocean.






[The Hope Market mimics the meandering pattern of a slow river to its advantage.]


It only makes sense that the meander pattern was adopted by the Hope Market. They could have chosen to put market stalls on either side of the parkway to let people go by faster, but this would be counterproductive to their purpose. As founder Mengkai (孟凱) says, the Hope Market is all about slowing down the fast pace of modern culture and getting people back into healthy eating, healthy growing and healthy living. The design of their market reflects these values and it really works! The meandering market increases the time one has to spend going through the market, and increases the chances that your mind will, like silt in a slow river, be able to slow down and focus on one thing at a time. This is important to the independent organic growers who depend on the market for income, and perhaps more importantly, for recognition that they are doing something different from mainstream growers that is good for the environment and society. Each tent has four farmers or organizations and a description is written about them and appropriately located at the sedimentation point on the inside of each meander.



[The meander pattern slows this bustling market down to a friendlier pace.]



Although it’s not very large, I think it would be easy to spend a half a day at this market. All the physical and social sustenance you could need for the day can be obtained here, and they even have a storage tent to put your stuff while walking around. It’s a great place to run into like-minded people, but it’s also centrally located in a way that many people of all walks of life are bound to walk through and be exposed to this sector of society. So if you happen to be in Taichung City on the second Saturday of the month, definitely check out the Hope Market. Support the farmers and volunteers who make the market happen while creating a wonderful atmosphere of good vibrations. I hope the market keeps growing to fill the entire parkway someday and I think it’s very possible that it will!





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